Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Graduation Dresses

HLS's graduation is next week. A reader asked for a post with some suggestions for what to wear to graduation or class day. Since most graduations are in the summer and caps and gowns can be hot, it's best to wear something cool. I know there's also the temptation to wear something "springy" but keep in mind that black gowns can bleed in the heat. I've been told by several sources that the HLS gowns we rented will bleed. So here are a few dresses that are darker yet still pretty.

A great opportunity to wear a light colored spring dress is at Class Day where no caps and gowns are required. Here are a few suggestions:


  1. All I have to say is, CONGRATS BEI BEI!

  2. Amazing dresses, I found the same on this site site There are a lot of excellent dresses here


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