Thursday, June 30, 2011

Black-Tie 10 Years Post Prom

I've had two black tie weddings already this summer and one coming up in August, then on top of that I'm the only gentile bridesmaid in a traditional orthodox Jewish wedding.  It's been a fun challenge finding outfits for all of these weddings. 

Before this summer, prom was the last time I looked for a black-tie dress (technically I had to find one for Barrister's Ball in law school, but that might as well have been prom).  The problem with shopping for black-tie dresses after the age of 16 is that everything is either a million dollars or too prom-y for a Professionelle.  Add to that the fact that half of the colors in the rainbow are off limits for some weddings (white for all of them, which means no cream or champagne either, red for three of them because the bride is Chinese, and for the traditional orthodox wedding, it has to be black, conservative and with sleeves). 

After searching far and wide, I've discovered quite a few options for an elegant and sophisticated black-tie dress that meets all of these restrictions. 

As you know, I love vintage.  My favorite online vintage stop is Timeless Vixen Vintage.  Lauren, the owner, posts new dresses daily on her Etsy store or you can email her for items in her showroom if you don't see what you need on the website.  I wore one of Lauren's dresses to Phyllis's elegant formal wedding and it was perfect.  Although it's one of a kind, this dress gives you a good idea of what you can find at Timeless Vixen.

1950's vintage gown (330.00)
Other than vintage which can be very expensive, not to mention difficult to fit, I love Notte by Marchesa dresses, which are inexpensive yet elegant.  I wore one to Kejia's beautiful wedding a few weeks ago and will be wearing another to Peter and Lisa's wedding in France.

Unfortunately, the dress I wore is currently sold out, but this one is very similar (475.20)

As for Shuli's traditional orthodox wedding, I've got a couple of options that I like, but what I love, is this knockoff Pippa Middleton bridesmaid dress.  I'm not a huge fan of knockoff dresses (and thanks to Charles Colman, we now know the difference between knockoff and counterfeit) but this one is just so classic and pretty.  While plenty of girls pined after Pippa's dress because it showed off her amazing figure, my orthodox friends tell me that the brides in their commuinity loved it because it's appropriate for all but the most conservative ceremonies. 

This is definitely not to say that you can't wear a short dress to a black-tie wedding.  At the black-tie events I've been to, half of the women wore short dresses.  The key is to accessorize with gorgeous jewlery, shoes or bags.  I'm totally six months behind on this trend (and now it's out of stock), but I love the unexpected look of this clear clutch which comes with interchangeable liners:

Charlotte Olympia Pandora Plexiglass Clutch (615.00).  Yes, $615 is way too much to spend on plexiglass, so I suggest you try the DIY version found here.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Profession-hommes' Picks

Even though I always think that you should dress for yourself first, and then dress for other women, sometimes it's fun to get a guy's perspective on what looks good.  I asked five of my male friends to peruse commonly visited websites and pick out three items of women's clothing they liked and one item they hated.  They were asked to make these choices without the help of their significant others or female friends.  So Professionelles, how did these Profession-hommes do?

David (Theory)

David wasn't a huge fan of Theory in general, but he was still able to find a few pieces he liked.  Even though David wasn't allowed to ask his wife for her input, I think she would have approved of everything he picked. 

Kabilla B Dress, which my officemate just bought so I know it looks great in person (147.50)

Gabe B Blazer (197.50)

Joanie Skirt (100.00)

This was David's least favorite piece from Theory.  I happen to love this blouse which just goes to show how differently men and women think about clothing.

Primo Top (122.50)

We may be seeing a theme here because Brian's wife also agreed with all of his choices.  Perhaps men pay more attention to what their significant others wear after all?  Either way, Brian found some great pieces at Bloomingdales.

I'm sensing another theme, Brian also choose the Theory Gabe Jacket (375.00)

Brian's least favorite was a DKNY long sleeve cozy, but the good people at Bloomingdales have since taken down that truly ugly item.  This was Brian's second choice for least favorite.  With the exception of the belt, I don't think it's terrible, but the thin cable knit probably makes it inappropriate for work.

Lucas (J. Crew)

Lucas works in a less formal environment so his picks are slightly more casual, although he wouldn't recommend any of these items if you've got client meetings or court appearances.

Souvenier Dress (148.00)

Perfect Shirt in Amory Floral, shirt only, skirt is obviously too short for work(59.50)

Although I love floral patterns, I have to agree with Lucas that this skirt is not my favorite:

Chris wasn't a huge fan of any of the options at Banana Republic, and I think in general he's right.  It seems like every season, one chain store has nothing of interest, and this season Banana Republic might just be it.  Despite that, Chris managed to find some great pieces.  I particularly like the BR Monogram Silk Belted Blouse.

Unlike the ruffles Brian liked, it's no suprise that this Jacket was Chris's least favorite.

Aaron (Shopbop)

I originally gave Aaron Forever 21, but I really should have known better.  I can barely navigate that website myself so I wasn't surprised when Aaron couldn't find anything work appropriate.  So, I gave him Shopbop, a similarly trendy yet upscale store and he managed to pick some very work-appropriate items.  Of all of the items the Profession-hommes picked, Aaron picked my favorite, the Rebecca Taylor Perfect Shift Dress.

I don't actually think this is a terrible dress (if you can get over the sticker shock), but Aaron's least favorite from Shopbop is certainly hard to pull off if you aren't a tall skinny super model. 

So what do you think Professionelles?  How do these guy's styles compare to yours?  I think in general, this little experiment shows that men like simple clothing that fits well and dislike anything too complicated or baggy.  Many thanks to all of the Profession-hommes that helped with this post.  

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hanging a (Fashion) Shingle

This weekend I met up with Charles Colman, of Charles Colman Law, PLLC.  Charles was an associate at a large New York law firm like many Professionelle readers.  This January, he hung out his own shingle and started a solo practice focusing on the law of fashion, music and art.  He also writes a very interesting and informative blog about fashion law.  I was introduced to Charles through Sarah's husband's office-mate (talk about the power of networking!).  Charles and I chatted about the impact of fashion law on the every day consumer and his experience branching out as an entrepreneur. 

Professionelle: Tell me a little about your background and what got you interested in the legal issues surrounding the fashion, music and art scenes.

I've been involved with the arts in one capacity or another for as long as I can remember.  My main focus, for a very long time, was music: I started taking classical piano lessons at age four, at some point I became more interested in pop and began writing my own songs, and in college I started performing them publicly.  I released a singer/songwriter album, "People, Places, and Flings," when I moved to New York after college, and I guess that's when I first became interested in copyright law.  After my album was released, a Broadway singer covered one of my songs, which, in retrospect, was my (very crude) introduction to copyright licensing.

As for visual art, it's something I always admired and did for enjoyment alongside music.  I almost majored in art history in college, but through a strange (but not especially interesting) turn of events, I ended up studying linguistics instead.

I became interested in fashion much later, after I began law school and discovered that fashion design is very differently situated from most other art forms when it comes to copyright protection.  Like many lawyers, I'm fascinated by the margins of the law, and fashion certainly sits on the margin of copyright.  My interest in the clothes themselves came even later, which in turn led to a desire to learn how clothing is designed, manufactured, and marketed.  I explored this interest by taking some classes at Parsons, including a course on fashion history, which I strongly recommend for attorneys who serve fashion clients.

Professionelle: Although I'm sure it's difficult to pin down, what exactly is "fashion law?"

"Fashion law," like "art law," is an amalgamation of many different areas of the law.  But while law schools and firms have been talking about "art law" for decades, no one referred to "fashion law" as a unique discipline until fairly recently.  The vast majority of law schools still don't offer a class titled "Fashion Law."

Like me, many attorneys get into fashion law from an intellectual property (and specifically trademark law) background.  Trademark law is an essential component of fashion law, to be sure, but any lawyer serving fashion industry clients will need to be well-versed in many other areas of law.  At the inaugural meeting of the New York City Bar Association's Fashion Law Committee, for example, topics on the agenda included privacy, security, and other concerns associated with Internet commerce; employment issues of particular concern to the fashion industry; the law governing advertising, marketing, and promotion; intellectual property protection for store interiors; real estate; and developments in anti-counterfeiting.  Many of these issues aren't unique to the apparel and beauty industries, but in each instance, there are nuances that only a "fashion lawyer" -- or at least a lawyer who has worked with multiple fashion clients -- will be familiar with.

Professionelle: What has it been like to transition from being an employee to being an entrepreneur?  Any advice for others who are thinking about doing the same thing -- both specific to starting your own legal practice and to being an entrepreneur in general?

Just today, ran an article titled "Law grads going solo and loving it;" The article focuses on those who hang their own shingle right out of law school, which wasn't the case for me -- I practiced at a large law firm first, until I decided my passion lay elsewhere -- but like the attorneys discussed on the article, I'm definitely "loving" the solo experience.

With that said, going solo isn't a panacea for unhappy big-firm lawyers: there's still stress, of course -- just from different sources.  Instead of difficult hours and a lack of control over the direction of your career, you have to maintain a constant focus on marketing, cash flow, and the like.  Many have noted that a solo practitioner, especially at first, spends more time on "business" than on "law."  Some might find this appealing, while others will be frustrated by the smaller percentage of time they get to spend actually "practicing law."  Personally, I enjoy the balance.  But for me, the biggest perk is being able to chart the course of my own career.  I've known since law school that I wanted to practice copyright and trademark law, and now that's how I spend the largest portion of my work day.

While my first-hand experience as an entrepreneur is limited to the legal industry, I represent many small business owners, some of whom left jobs at large corporations to start their own ventures.  My interaction with them has led me to believe that the trade-off is similar, regardless of industry: would-be entrepreneurs usually have to choose between a position of security within an established organization, where control over their career and future will always be limited to some degree, and a less secure position of their own design, which has the potential for greater creative, emotional, and even financial rewards, but also imposes administrative, managerial, and business development obligations that some people just don't want.

Professionelle: What are the main issues in fashion law right now and how might those issues impact the consumer?

Counterfeiting has been a major concern for the fashion industry for a very long time, for obvious reasons.  Recently, Tory Burch made headlines for a $164 million judgment awarded to the company in a counterfeiting and cybersquatting lawsuit; The company probably won't be able to collect on the judgment, in part because many of the responsible parties are likely located in countries with weak intellectual property enforcement, or unreliable judicial systems, or both.  Still, the judgment was a decisive victory for anti-counterfeiting advocates. 

As for consumer impact, there are undoubtedly instances where people are deceived into buying counterfeits that they believe are genuine.  But as we all know, consumers are often aware that they are buying counterfeits.  The fashion industry has tried tackle this issue in a variety of ways; one non-legal strategy has been to raise consumer awareness of the connections between counterfeiting revenue and human rights violations.  Since many consumers are interested in the supply chain behind the clothes they buy, they may want to seek out this sort of information.  There are many reports readily available on the Internet that address not only human rights issues, but also alleged connections between counterfeiting revenue and terrorism.  (As always, the conclusions of such reports are subject to debate; consumers must decide which reports they deem reliable.)  Consumers who live or shop in New York City should be aware that Councilwoman Margaret Chin recently proposed to make it a crime to knowingly purchase counterfeit products; if Councilwoman Chin's bill becomes law, counterfeiting would immediately become relevant to a much larger swath of consumers.

A related issue of concern to the fashion industry is knockoffs.  (Knockoffs typically differ from counterfeit goods in that the original company's trademark is not used, just its product design.)  As I discuss on my blog, copyright is generally unavailing for the knocked-off designer, but the courts have seen a deluge of "trade dress" knockoff cases.  In these cases, a plaintiff is essentially claiming that its product is so closely associated with a single source in the public's mind that the design itself functions as a trademark.  I'm not aware of any significant recent developments in trade dress law, but the frequent failure of trade dress protection to stop even identical knockoffs might be one reason for the renewed interest in copyright-like protection for certain fashion designs.

Many bills have been introduced in Congress over the years to grant copyright, or copyright-like protection, to fashion, but Senator Schumer's 2010 "Innovative Design Protection and Piracy Prevention Act" had far more momentum than most.  For one thing, it actually made it out of the Judiciary Committee (only to have to start all over again when the new Congress took office in January.)  Until last week, there had been little activity surrounding the bill this session, but it appears the subject of knockoffs is once against on the Judiciary Committee's radar.  In any event, the Subcommittee on Fashion Design Legislation at the American Bar Association, which I co-chair, has continually debated and analyzed the bill; with any luck, our official position will be announced in the near future.

It is difficult to speak to the consumer impact, if any, that the Schumer bill would have if it became law.  The legislation would grant three years of copyright-like protection (a far shorter term of protection than that available to other artistic works) to fashion designs that display "a unique, distinguishable, non-trivial and non-utilitarian variation over prior designs."  It is difficult to know what percentage of designs will satisfy these criteria, especially given the cyclical and increasingly self-referential nature of fashion.  If the bill, once passed, does prevent a large number of knockoffs, that will force most consumers to either shell out for the original -- and usually more expensive -- version of a garment, or simply go without it.  (Interestingly, the bill does have a "home-sewing" exception, but this probably won't turn out to be very important.)  It's possible that the litigation that will inevitably take place under the provisions of the proposed law would increase the operating costs of fashion companies, and in turn increase costs to the consumer.  But this increase, if it occurs at all, would likely be minimal.  The bottom line is that no one can say for sure how things will play out if the bill passes, which is something I've emphasized on my blog.

The last legislative development I'll mention, which affects not just fashion companies and consumers but other industries and most users of the Internet, is the so-called "PROTECT IP Act."  While the bill seems to have noble intentions, it is very controversial because of its potential effect on expression on the Internet.  This bill is part of a larger trend in intellectual property law, which is an effort to hold intermediaries or "gatekeepers" like Internet Service Providers (ISPs) responsible for the misconduct of individuals.  I won't comment on this particular bill, in part because I am slated to assume the vice chairmanship of the ABA committee responsible for evaluating it in August.  But I would encourage consumers to educate themselves about intellectual property legislation, and IP issues more generally, as they have an enormous effect on what people can say and do, especially on the Internet. 

Right now, for example, I am representing Rachel Kane of, a site that comments on and criticizes the retailer Forever 21; Forever 21 has threatened Rachel with legal action for supposed intellectual property infringement, when it is clear under the law that she has engaged in protected speech.  Fortunately, the media has taken an interest in this case and almost unanimously sided with Rachel and her right to freedom of expression, but there are many instances where mere threats about intellectual property infringement -- often baseless -- succeed in shutting down protected speech and artistic expression.  For this reason, everyone should be interested in intellectual property issues; IP is most definitely not just for lawyers anymore.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Moda Operandi and Marc Jacobs 2012 Satchels


Sample sale websites are old news, but what about trunk show websites?  I have to admit, I'm intrigued.  The concept is very similar, but the big difference is that the clothes aren't on sale.  In fact, they aren't even available yet.  Moda Operandi is the first of these sites (at least the first that I'm aware of) to launch.  Membership is "exclusive," and while it takes a little more effort than signing up for Gilt Groupe, it's still pretty easy to get "in."  The site offers fresh off the runway looks that you can pre-order to be delivered in a few months.  Instead of targeting the price conscious, it's targeting the fashion forward.  I'm not sure how well this will play out in a recovering economy, but I have to admit that I'm already lusting after a few items on the site, like the two Marc Jacobs satchels shown below.  Email me at if you'd like an automatic invitation to the site. 

The Bowery Satchel (1295.00)

The Thompson Satchel (1250.00)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Chic Looks from Zara (and a note to brick and mortar stores)

I absolutely love these looks from Zara, but if they weren't posted on their website, chances are, I would never have seen them, much less blogged about them.  Don't get me wrong, I love going into brick and mortar stores on a Saturday afternoon as much as the next professionelle, but because I do so much of my shopping online, I am often disapointed when stores aren't well organized or don't have items in my size.  Zara is sort of the worst of all worlds in this sense since their stores are often messy and they don't offer online shopping capabilities.  Maybe I'm wrong, but I believe that women who grew up in the internet era have higher standards for efficiency when it comes to shopping.  Who wants to dig through racks of clothes when we can sort and search for exactly what we want online?  But . . . I digress . . . below are some lovely looks from Zara.  Hopefully you'll be able to find them in a Zara store near you.

Pique Blazer (99.90)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Net-a-Porter Sale Blazers

I've never ever been tempted to steal in my life, except when I saw a Net-a-porter van parked outside of an apartment building on Park Avenue.  I imagined myself breaking into the back of that van and finding piles and piles of amazing clothes.  Good thing it was a fleeting thought since I'd most certainly be dis-barred and lose my job and then how would I be able to partake in this amazing sale?

Check out these glorious, work appropriate, jackets at the Net-a-porter end of season sale:

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