Thursday, June 23, 2011

Profession-hommes' Picks

Even though I always think that you should dress for yourself first, and then dress for other women, sometimes it's fun to get a guy's perspective on what looks good.  I asked five of my male friends to peruse commonly visited websites and pick out three items of women's clothing they liked and one item they hated.  They were asked to make these choices without the help of their significant others or female friends.  So Professionelles, how did these Profession-hommes do?

David (Theory)

David wasn't a huge fan of Theory in general, but he was still able to find a few pieces he liked.  Even though David wasn't allowed to ask his wife for her input, I think she would have approved of everything he picked. 

Kabilla B Dress, which my officemate just bought so I know it looks great in person (147.50)

Gabe B Blazer (197.50)

Joanie Skirt (100.00)

This was David's least favorite piece from Theory.  I happen to love this blouse which just goes to show how differently men and women think about clothing.

Primo Top (122.50)

We may be seeing a theme here because Brian's wife also agreed with all of his choices.  Perhaps men pay more attention to what their significant others wear after all?  Either way, Brian found some great pieces at Bloomingdales.

I'm sensing another theme, Brian also choose the Theory Gabe Jacket (375.00)

Brian's least favorite was a DKNY long sleeve cozy, but the good people at Bloomingdales have since taken down that truly ugly item.  This was Brian's second choice for least favorite.  With the exception of the belt, I don't think it's terrible, but the thin cable knit probably makes it inappropriate for work.

Lucas (J. Crew)

Lucas works in a less formal environment so his picks are slightly more casual, although he wouldn't recommend any of these items if you've got client meetings or court appearances.

Souvenier Dress (148.00)

Perfect Shirt in Amory Floral, shirt only, skirt is obviously too short for work(59.50)

Although I love floral patterns, I have to agree with Lucas that this skirt is not my favorite:

Chris wasn't a huge fan of any of the options at Banana Republic, and I think in general he's right.  It seems like every season, one chain store has nothing of interest, and this season Banana Republic might just be it.  Despite that, Chris managed to find some great pieces.  I particularly like the BR Monogram Silk Belted Blouse.

Unlike the ruffles Brian liked, it's no suprise that this Jacket was Chris's least favorite.

Aaron (Shopbop)

I originally gave Aaron Forever 21, but I really should have known better.  I can barely navigate that website myself so I wasn't surprised when Aaron couldn't find anything work appropriate.  So, I gave him Shopbop, a similarly trendy yet upscale store and he managed to pick some very work-appropriate items.  Of all of the items the Profession-hommes picked, Aaron picked my favorite, the Rebecca Taylor Perfect Shift Dress.

I don't actually think this is a terrible dress (if you can get over the sticker shock), but Aaron's least favorite from Shopbop is certainly hard to pull off if you aren't a tall skinny super model. 

So what do you think Professionelles?  How do these guy's styles compare to yours?  I think in general, this little experiment shows that men like simple clothing that fits well and dislike anything too complicated or baggy.  Many thanks to all of the Profession-hommes that helped with this post.  

1 comment:

  1. Glad you liked my pick the best! I don't know anything about fashion, but when I saw the Rebecca Taylor dress, I immediately knew it was going in my top 3.

    And I also want to emphasize how much I despise that Calvin Klein dress. I probably looked through 500 or so dresses, and nothing came close to how awful that one looked.


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